December 2023 Newsletter

Can you believe it, Christmas is right around the corner and 2023 will soon be history! But not before we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!

But what is the real reason for this season? It is not about shopping, trees, lights or food! Which we all enjoy very much, but this is not what we celebrate! We celebrate Emmanuel, God with us! He came bringing reconciliation between man and God! Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil! And now, He is our Heavenly Father! Amen! This gets me excited every time!

Our first Christmas outreach in 2023, in Tijuana was a great success! We had over 250 children not including their parents! What smiles, what joy and fun it was for both kids and adults! We brought in a professional clown and new games with many prizes! And again, God’s Word was proclaimed to all who could hear!

We also have many other Christmas outreaches planned throughout our ministry in Tijuana, Sonora, Oaxaca, and Chiapas! Thousand will hear God’s Word as we will proclaim the real reason the season!

So, thanks, beforehand, for all the smiles and joy you are going to bring to many children across Mexico. It’s amazing what a gift from you can do! They will say: “Wow, somebody from a whole different country sent this just for me!”

Their eyes and smiles will tell it all, knowing somebody far-away cared and loved them enough to buy them a Christmas present! I wish you all could be here to see for yourselves their joy and their gratitude!

Now the parents of these children wish they could buy their children gifts, but their first concern is traps and blankets from the cold they are experiencing! Their main concern is to have a warm and dry home, meaning a shed-like house built with only plywood, no insultation, nothing! So their families be able to celebrate Christmas! So, every dollar goes a long way here with us! Thanks for your prayers and helping us meet the so many needs during this Christmas season.

Now on the financial side, so far, we are breaking even in our fundraising and have not been able to increase our general account! At this present time, we find ourselves low compared to past years! We need at least $80,000.00, to get through the first three months of 2024, which are always known for being slow! Please keep us in your prayers and any financial help will be a blessing!

We are committed to help the hundreds of kids we now serve in four different states plus all our church plants in Tijuana and Sonora! We need help with our feeding programs, but most important, getting the Word out to as many people as possible! We are reaching, restoring and equipping, to able to send forth more missionaries into the harvest fields!

Thanks for being part of this great ministry God has raised for His Glory! We pray each one of you and your family will have a meaningful and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! |

p.s. If anybody has a good working fifteen passenger van, we desperately need one! We have two vans that are 23 years old, and it shows! Many miles traveled and they are tired. We need at least one newer van!

Your missionaries, Carlos and Rossy and the rest of our awesome team!