December 2022 Newsletter

Can you believe it, Christmas is just around the corner!

Time to get excited and enjoy a season of Lights, trees, food and gifts! What better time to enjoy life than the Christmas season!

But the other side of the coin, it is also the time of year when many people enter into depression! Why, you might ask?

Well, the answer is easy, the focus is wrong! We are not, or should not, be excited because of the lights, trees, food and gifts! We celebrate Christmas because the extreme best gift ever has come into the world from our Father God!

That’s right, Jesus Christ is born! Emmanuel, God with us! The Prince of Peace and the King of Kings!

We hope, during this Christmas season, there is room under your tree for our kids who have little to nothing!

Please help us bring a smile to their awesome little faces!

It’s amazing what a gift from you can do! They will feel loved and will say: “Wow, somebody in a whole different country sent this just for me!”

Their eyes tell it all, their joy will come from knowing that somebody far-away, cared and loved them enough to buy them a Christmas present!

We wish you all could be here to see their eyes light up with their gratitude and joy!

Thanks for allowing us be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ! We know, in most cases, we are the ones that get the thanks and hugs! But we also know our hugs and thanks are for each one of you!

Great news, from our women’s home! One of our ladies is being trained to work in our thrift store, while another is going to be baptized Sunday, the 4th of December! Another one of our women has quit working in the red-light district! What a praise report for the first three months of being open! Also, we have run out of money to be able to finish the construction of the women’s home in the first floor! We are looking around $6,000 dollars to finish all the inside! Would you consider helping finish this great work that has been started?

Our kids and youth at the orphanage are asking how many of you are going to come back this Christmas!

All I can say is that they miss all of you. Much love and many friendships have developed between you and our kids! Please keep them in your prayers!

Please continue to pray for our ministry as we continue to share the kingdom of heaven ‘till our Lord Jesus comes back in all His glory and power!

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and for your generous support!

We pray you all may have a wonderful and meaningful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In His Love and Truth,

Pastor Carlos and Rossy Montoya … and the rest of La Roca team!